The “Hong” List in 1880
The Singapore Hong List was introduced as a list that "will prove useful to Merchants and Foreign Residents generally".
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The Singapore Hong List was introduced as a list that "will prove useful to Merchants and Foreign Residents generally".
1880年的Singapore & Straits Directory 登录了十八页的 『中西通贸易之新加坡华商人名录』,英文标题是『The Singapore Hong List』。这里的 "Hong"字,猜想是广东话里的“行”,“商行”的“行”,“行业”的“行”。
Huang Yan Pei (1878-1965) was a renowned Chinese national educationist from the late Qing dynasty and to the People's Republic. In Feb of 1919, he and our grandfather Yeo Cheow Kaw, met in Rangoon.
黄炎培(1878-1965),为晚清、民国知名教育家,先后以“实业救国”,“教育救国”为己任。1919年曾赴东南亚考察华侨教育,包括缅甸。在仰光期间见到祖父 楊奠安 / 楊子贞 / 楊昭固。临别赠字。
These pages taken out from the Chinese Government Gazette in 1913 December acknowledged the donations from various Overseas Chinese to support the new Republic. ..