族亲之亲亲何如 / The Lineage Relationship





世系 宗派
楊如磨 第15世 二房 (桥头 庵前角) 父不详/子大川
楊昭濤 第17世 四房 (中街 后厝角) 父本举/后裔不详
楊昭道 第17世 四房 (中街 前厝角) 父本湖/子清锐
楊本铭 第16世 四房 (中街 前厝角) 父不详/子昭固/孙章煌
楊乌九 第16世 四房 (中街 后厝角) 父不详/弟本举/子昭盛/孙章钳

福建霞陽楊氏开基祖楊德卿(1312-1390)后裔从第三世开始分房。这些族亲,自什么房繁衍什么社、什么厝、什么角,数百年后海外相遇,还能数辈论份、称兄弟认叔侄/孙之后,不止于合营生意,也在宗乡社群共济福利。上面这些人物名字,同时出现的就有仰光建德堂、仰光植德堂等的记载; 他们对驻足过的侨居地和家乡的大小庙宇的创建和修缮,对故土天然灾害的救赈也呼唤你我同襄益举。




1 楊昭固1925年创建仰光植德堂大厦,沿用至今。
2 楊章煌又名剑如,1950-1970先后服务星洲三都霞阳植德堂、星洲福建弘农公所和福建楊氏公会。
3 楊乌九名本维/位?,1895年去世,楊本铭为其遗嘱执行人之一。
4 楊章钳1931年担任星洲三都霞阳植德堂第一届总理。

The Lineage Relationship

On February 15 in 1884, Yeo Poon Miah and four other descendants from the Xiayang Yeo Clan, founded the following businesses:
YeoHengMoh in Singapore,
ChipMoh in Rangoon,
and YeoHengCheang separately in Mandalay and Myingyan.

After seven years, a declaration of partnership dissolution was published in a Chinese newspaper whereby one of the five partners sought to withdraw his shares in all the four companies to pursue a different business. Two impartial witnessers were present to conduct a thorough settlement of the final accounts. Upon completion, the departing partner would have no further involvement in the profits or losses of the four companies. The other four partners would continue as the business successors. The declaration was made to prevent any future disputes.

Names of these five partners, namely Yeo Poon Miah, Yeo Cheow Toe, Yeo Cheow Thoe, Yeo Joo Moo, and Yeo Oo Kaw, before the breakup can all be found on the genealogy book of the Xiayang Yeo clan, published in 2022. In the genealogical records, there are various factions such as branches (房), communities (社), houses (厝), and corners (角). The first branching took place around 1470’s. Since then some seventeen to eighteen generations have evolved. Only the first branch, or 房, was numerically ordered. The rests like 社 厝 角 had names and there was no clear count of how many of them existed. The exact number of generations apart were also not clearly specified.

Despite the outcome, the breakup declaration also acquiesces to the partnership of seven years. One would wonder how, after several hundred years and meeting overseas, these individuals sharing the same lineage could still trace their ancestors, addressed each other as brothers and uncles/cousins, and not only cooperate in business ventures but also work together for the welfare of their ancestral community. Their own names and their descendants’ names are contemporarily recorded in clan associations, in temples and shrines in Rangoon, Singapore and Xiamen precinct covering Xiayang, the hometown.

Yeo Oo Kaw died on August 2, 1895. In May of the following year, YeoHengMoh published an advertisement to inform the public that the company run by Yeo Oo Kaw had ceased operation and all business would be taken over by YeoHengMoh. The advertisement also disclosed that the original directors of the YeoHengMoh had been changed. Yeo Poon Miah and Yeo Cheow Toe remained but Yeo Cheow Thoo was replaced by Yeo Cheng Thwan in Burma and Yeo Cheow Hock and Yeo Cheng Hai were added in Singapore. Among them, Yeo Cheng Hai took the helm of YeoChipMoh
and turned it into the most famous Xiayang Yeo clan business in Singapore for the next twenty over years.

That happened some 130 years ago. After four, five generations since then, the following modern Hokkien saying is closer to the reality in lineage relationship.

“一代親,二代表,三代煞了了”, says, roughly in English, 

First generation is Family, closely connected (親).
Second generations are Superficial Ties (表).
Third generations are As good as Strangers (煞了了).

©仰索 2023.08.09


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