
Xiayang Pioneer Note


Yeo Poon Kay / Yeo Kay

( ? - 1906 )

霞陽楊德卿宗 第16世

16th Generation from Xiayang YEO Teck Khin
Father of Yeo Hong Choon and Yeo Hong Nee (Choo Sum)

楊本假1859 年从小霞陽出洋到槟城。三年后,他与霞陽楊氏家族如楊本铭等一起合办恒茂号,专营丝绸、大米、和日常用品。致富后,楊本假投资了房地产。1888年,他将生意委托给代理人,回到霞陽居住,每年年底才来仰光。 1906年死在家乡。两个儿子楊逢春和楊逢年分别继承他在霞陽和仰光的产业。

Yeo Poon Kay, was a migrant from China in Penang in 1859. He went to Rangoon three years later to establish Heng Moh, with his Xiayang Yeo Clan members.
He became rich and invested in properties. In 1888, he entrusted the business to an agent and went back to live in Xiayang and came to Rangoon only at the end of every year. His business turned bad later and he died in the hometown.

First published 2022.02.28