
Xiayang Pioneer Note

楊昭標 (字階榜)

Yeo Cheow Hpyeow

( 1901 - 1980 )

霞陽楊德卿宗 第17世
楊本铭 第七子
楊昭固、楊昭算  七弟
母 林氏,妻 陳簽雲

(1915) 15岁到仰光,就读中华学校
(1919) 接待访问仰光的民国教育家黄炎培
(1920) 赴北京与萨君陆协办旅京华侨学会
(1924-1927) 师范毕业返厦门,任职集记洋行钱庄,
及代理和丰船公司客票; 继而回仰光,
(1931-1980) 居新加坡。积极参与新加坡华人社团,

17th Generation from Xiayang YEO Teck Khin
Youngest son of Yeo Poon Miah
7th brother of Yeo Cheow Kaw and Yeo Cheow Suan
Father of Chiang Bin, in Hongkong
Father of Siew Tin, in Singapore

Yeo Cheow Hpyeow went to Rangoon in 1915 and studied at the Teong Hwa Chinese School. He returned to the school to finish its teacher training curricula in 1924. From 1919 to 1927, he helped Yeo Cheow Kaw in academic matters in the Chinese Educational Syndicate, went to Beijing and co-organized the Association of Overseas Chinese Schools. He ran a Daonan Bookstore on Latter Street in Rangoon. After his mother’s burial in Xiayang in 1927, he stayed back in the hometown to help in the clan works in the clan association Sit Teik Tong. He moved to Singapore in 1931 and continued to participate actively in many decades in Chinese associations, including the Sam-Tor Har-Yang (Yeo See) Sit Teck Tong, Singapore Hokkien Yeo See Association and Chang Chow General Association. 

1979年星洲漳州总会金禧纪念特刊 17页
Chang Chow General Association Golden Anniversary Special Edition, 1979

楊昭標 南洋名人集传第五集 279页

华侨宝鉴第一回仰光埠 28页

前排居中楊章安, 右二楊添寿,左二楊明德

Photograph of the Guests and Members of the Sam-Tor Har-Yang (YEO SEE) Sit Teck Tong, Singapore Taken on 11th January, 1932 on the Occasion of the visit of Mr Yeo(h) Chiang Ann of Penang
Front Row: middle-Yeoh Chiang Ann, 2nd from right-Yeo Thiam Siew, 2nd from left-Yeo Beng Teck
Back Row: 3rd from right-Yeo Cheow Hpyeow

Hong Nong Committee 1946

苏孝先、侯石灿、谢季铭、蔡江河、叶子元、朱隆昌、甘朝阳、刘大鹏、李振殿、陈令典、陈绍鹏、蔡房苔、林其祥、楊开榜、张光华、钟水珠、林吉宗、楊昭标、陈赣、谢宝祥、 陈财然、陈再和、谢龙门、汤天助等。主席李振殿,记录陈俊卿。

1979年星洲漳州总会金禧纪念特刊 17页
Chang Chow General Association Golden Anniversary Special Edition, 1979

First published 2022.03.09