Picture/Photo Credits
  • The Myanmar Landscape Drawing, partly shown as header image of pages on this site, was done by Mr Richard Kyaw Han. Kyaw Han, who lives in Singapore now, was born in Yangon in 1961. He is the youngest grandson of Yeo Cheow Kaw, and son of Yeo Cheang Keng.
  • The overlay background picture of this page reveals an old-style wooden bed with carved and painted lacquer. It was used by Yeo Cheow Kaw during his lifetime and was originally placed in the former residence of Yeo Cheow Kaw in Xiayang village. It was donated to the Overseas Chinese Museum in Xiamen in June, 2015.

Welcome / 欢迎

Welcome to the site dedicated to the collective memory of Yeo Cheow Kaw, his families and clan members from Xiayang, a small village in Fujian, China.   ‘Book’ in pages here refers to the book “Our Grandfather Yeo Cheow Kaw” first published in November 2014.

This site has contents mainly in Chinese and English, that are indexed in separate Menus as shown on the right and left panels. Please use the button on each panel to enter the respective language site.

We have also prepared a simple write-up of Yeo Cheow Kaw in Burmese here and are working towards in putting up more Burmese  content in time to come.

Also on this site we share a compilation (Auxiliary Repository) of research references and tools that have helped us presenting our family stories.  We hope you will find them useful in your similar pursuit.

We wish you a delightful browsing experience!

欢迎您到访 楊昭固与霞陽楊氏 网站。

这个双语网站收集了有关19世纪来自中国福建省霞阳村旅缅华侨 楊昭固 和他的家族的故事。2014年11月我们出版《吾祖楊昭固》后,继续挖掘相关资料,整理之后即藉此网站发布。


您亦可在 阅读一则缅甸文记述 的楊昭固简短生平。

此网站也于 辅佐库 分享了一些研究工具和材料,希望对您有用。


Site news / 站讯

2024-10-16 6:31 am
We grieve with Myanmar… 天佑缅甸!
Beautiful Myanmar

What's New/ 新添

  • 网站所用的版头图片裁截自楊允助的缅甸风景油画楊允助1961年出生于仰光,是楊昭固最年幼的男孙;其父亲为楊章景。允助现居新加坡。
  • 此页覆盖背景隐露的是一张雕花髹漆旧式木床,原置于霞阳社楊昭固故居,为楊昭固生前使用。楊昭固后裔于2015年6月将此床捐赠厦门华侨博物院。