漳州地名沿革 / Chang Chow Place Name Evolution


自中国地名查询网站,漳州府这个名称始于明洪武一年/公元1368年, 经历清朝而止于民国二年/公元1913年。五百多年间经历数次领域调整,从称呼漳州七县漳州九邑漳州十县的变化可知,其辖属的乡镇分分合合或有个别增减,但对于东南亚许多闽南华人来说,有一段很长的时间,“漳州人”是一个很有分量的身份证。漳州人口语漳厦方言,也标榜他们有别于从其他闽南地区来的泉州人客家人《1979年星洲漳州总会金禧纪念特刊》有一页 漳州十县图,就显示了鼎盛时期漳州府属下的十个县辖,它们是:龙溪、漳浦、长泰、南靖、海澄、诏安、平和、云霄、东山、和华安。早期的漳州名人包括原籍南靖的陈祯禄和原籍长泰的章芳林

From Chang Chow to Zhangzhou

Zhangzhou, or Chang Chow as it was known to represent , had once been a prefecture that had 10 counties in its territory. The following map taken from the Golden Anniversary Publication of Chang Chow Association of Singapore in 1979 shows the areas in the province of Hokkien (Fujian) in China.  From the 10 counties came many of the Minnan (Southern Hokkien) Chinese immigrants to Southeast Asia for many hundred years up to the 20th century. Among the well-known Malaysian and Singapore pioneers, family of 陈祯禄 Tan Chin Lock came from 南靖 [4 on the map], and 章芳林 Chiang Hong Lim came from 长泰 [3 on the map], for examples.

From Page 69, Special Edition, Golden Anniversary, Chang Chow General Association, 1979.

Above taken from Page 68, Special Edition, Golden Anniversary, Chang Chow General Association, 1979, is an account of how Zhangzhou evolved, since as early as a territory of Yue Kingdom in Zhou Dynasty.

Map on the left shows location of the 10 counties in Chang Chow Prefecture.
In the legend that follows,
[..] is the present place name in HanyuPinyin

  1. 龍溪/龙溪 // LengKeh/LengKay: [LongXi]
  2. 漳浦 // CheangPor/ChangPor [ZhangPu]
  3. 長泰/长泰 // TiongTye/TiongThye [ChangTai]
  4. 南靖 // NamChing [NanJing]
  5. 海澄 // HaiTeng/HaiTheng [HaiCheng]
  6. 詔安/诏安 // CheawAn [ZhaoAn]
  7. 平和 // PengHo [PingHe]
  8. 雲霄/云霄 // HoonSeow [YunXiao]
  9. 東山/东山 // TongSan [DongSan]
  10. 華安/华安 // HwaAn [HuaAn]

如今漳州这个名称有两个意义:漳州市行政区,和 漳州市。漳州市行政区对等于厦门市行政区, 漳州市既是历代漳州府治时期的府市镇,如今便是漳州市行政区政府所在的市镇。 前漳州府属下的海澄废县后许多华侨乡镇,如新垵和霞阳,已经划归今天的厦门市行政区内的海沧区



ChangChow Prefecture was abolished in 1913. Today the name Zhangzhou has two meanings: Zhangzhou Municipal District, and Zhangzhou City. Zhangzhou Municipal District is equivalent to the Xiamen Municipal District. Zhangzhou also refers to the town where the municipal government is located. Zhangzhou city was  the prefectural town of the former Zhangzhou Prefecture in the Qing and Ming dynasties.

Many towns and villages in Haicheng County under the former Zhangzhou Prefecture, like Xiayang and Xin’an, are now placed under the governance of today’s Xiamen Municipal District. Chang Chow Prefecture, like Haicheng County, is now an obsolete place name. However, for a long time in the last century, many of the elderly Minnan Chinese still held on fondly to their Zhangzhou identity. As Zhangzhou people, they spoke the Southern Hokkien dialect of Zhangzhou/Amoy accent that distinguished them from other Southern Hokkiens with Quanzhou accent or from the Khek-dialect group.

Even with the territorial name changes, Chang Chow General Association in Singapore established in 1929, continues to reach out to Hokkiens that identify themselves having Zhangzhou/Xiamen dialect as their ancestral mother tongue.

参考资料 References

《1979年星洲漳州总会金禧纪念特刊》 / Special Edition, Golden Anniversary, Chang Chow General Association, 1979