Magnificent STT
The remarkable architecture that replicates Southern Hokkien (Minnan) design draws more than casual attention from Western tourists and history authors.
The remarkable architecture that replicates Southern Hokkien (Minnan) design draws more than casual attention from Western tourists and history authors.
2021 07 霞小草木染展 XYP Vegetal Dye Art
For nearly 30 years, "Education Magazine" reported the development of the new school system and schools in various regions under the education reform. In 1910, the innovative activities of the new school, the predecessor of Fujian Xiayang Primary School, were promoted.
黄炎培(1878-1965),为晚清、民国知名教育家,先后以“实业救国”,“教育救国”为己任。1919年曾赴东南亚考察华侨教育,包括缅甸。在仰光期间见到祖父 楊奠安 / 楊子贞 / 楊昭固。临别赠字。