Grandfather Yeo Cheow Kaw was appointed a member of the Chinese Advisory Board in Rangoon in 1924.
Appointment of Municipal Commissioners in Singapore started from 1856 to 1912. Local qualified residents were invited to elect some of these commissioners. Our great-grandfather Yeo Poon Miah's name first appeared in 1887 in the electoral rolls until 1912.
The Singapore Hong List was introduced as a list that "will prove useful to Merchants and Foreign Residents generally".
1880年的Singapore & Straits Directory 登录了十八页的 『中西通贸易之新加坡华商人名录』,英文标题是『The Singapore Hong List』。这里的 "Hong"字,猜想是广东话里的“行”,“商行”的“行”,“行业”的“行”。
Huang Yan Pei (1878-1965) was a renowned Chinese national educationist from the late Qing dynasty and to the People's Republic. In Feb of 1919, he and our grandfather Yeo Cheow Kaw, met in Rangoon.
黄炎培(1878-1965),为晚清、民国知名教育家,先后以“实业救国”,“教育救国”为己任。1919年曾赴东南亚考察华侨教育,包括缅甸。在仰光期间见到祖父 楊奠安 / 楊子贞 / 楊昭固。临别赠字。