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Was Yeo Cheow Kaw a member of Tongmenhui, the political alliance founded by Sun Yat-sen and his early revolutionist comrades that eventually became the biggest force that brought down the Qing dynasty in China? Here explores more.
Report on Election to Advisory Board in 1925
Grandfather Yeo Cheow Kaw was appointed a member of the Chinese Advisory Board in Rangoon in 1924.
Printed in the 120th Anniversary Souvenir Magazine of Rangoon Kian Teik Tong, published in 1955 was a Tribute on our Grandfather Yeo Cheow Kaw:
Appointment of Municipal Commissioners in Singapore started from 1856 to 1912. Local qualified residents were invited to elect some of these commissioners. Our great-grandfather Yeo Poon Miah's name first appeared in 1887 in the electoral rolls until 1912.
List of Principal Chinese Firms in Singapore 1898&1899