黄炎培, 晚清、民国知名教育家, 曾数次赴东南亚考察华侨教育。他在一九一九年二月23日至三月25日到缅甸。当时正值缅甸华侨教育总会复选,黄炎培亲眼见证了祖父楊昭固续任会长,为此题了一对字联赠送楊昭固,叙事于三月8日的日记 (见北京华文出版社2008年出版之黄炎培日记第2卷第46、47页 )。
此联真迹不知下落。今年十一月霞陽小学庆祝120周年纪念,楊大立、楊光柱两位宗亲亲邀霞陽植德堂楊耀明先生代笔复写这对字联,连同纪念楊昭固办学事迹 “热心兴学 造福桑梓”的文章,送给霞陽小学作贺礼。
Praising Words from An Educationist
Huang Yanpei, a well-known educationist in the early China Republic days, was appointed as the official chief school inspector to visit overseas Chinese schools from January 25 to April 24, 1919. He was in Burma from February 23 to March 25. He witnessed the re-election of the Burmese Chinese Education Syndicate, and the solemnizing of Yeo Cheow Kaw continuing as its incumbent president. Huang thereafter wrote a couplet for Yeo Cheow Kaw which he noted on March 8th in his diary. (See Huang Yanpei’s Diary, Volume 2, pages 46 and 47, published by Beijing Publishing House in 2008).
The couplet praised Yeo Cheow Kaw as follows:
“Motherland at heart is with this Southerner gentleman,
nurturing young bloods among his industrialist’s goals“
The original couplet is presumably lost. In November this year, Xiayang Primary School celebrated its 120th anniversary. Yang Dali and Yang Guangzhu, both from Xiayang Yeo Clan, invited Mr. Yang Yaoming to copy this couplet in caligraphy, and together with an article in commemoration of Yeo Cheow Kaw’s school-running deeds, sent it to Xiayang Primary School as a gift.
Mr. Yang Yaoming also wrote other congratulatory couplets for Xiayang Gongsis to the school.
教育公报 黄炎培《报告华侨教育状况》