福建海沧区霞阳小学入选了“厦门市中小学艺术实践工作坊”,2021年7月24日开始为期四天,在厦门市青少年宫展出草木染展。该市级学校活动的主题是“弘扬传统文化 感受非遗魅力”; 配合泉州市最近的申遗成功。
A Vegetal Dye Art Exhibition
Xiayang Primary School was selected to participate in a
municipal schools exhibition held in Xiamen (Amoy) Youth and Children’s Palace for four days starting July 24th 2021. In the Vegetal Dye Art exhibition put up by Xiayang Primary School, students produced various works along three themes: Love-the-nation, Love-the-family and Love-the-school. Grandfather Yeo Cheow Kaw who founded the school in 1904, was the main feature in the theme “Love-the-school”.