楊本铭等的公益捐献 / Community Donations


Yeo Poon Miah, Yeo Cheow Kaw and Yeo Cheng Hai
The following table assembles the donations by Grandfather, his father, and their partner, recorded on steles in temples and listed in newspapers. The donations were made in their own personal names as well as business registrations. Locations run across China, Singapore, Malaysia and Burma.

1879 Singapore 恒山亭
1880 Penang 建筑塚亭
1885 Haicang 石室禅院
1885 Haicang 石室禅院
1885 Haicang 石室禅院
1886 Penang 平章会馆
1887 Singapore 崇文阁
1892 Penang 福建公冢
1896 Qingqiao 慈济宫
Donors to Shanxi Floods in 1893
1896 Singapore 萃英书院
1902 Rangoon 庆福宫
1902 Haicang 石室碑院
1902 Singapore 顺天宫
1903 Singapore 善德堂
1907 Singapore 义勇演武亭
1908 Amoy 南普陀
1915 Singap;ore 麟山亭

资料来源 Sources
张少宽:《槟榔屿福建公冢暨家冢碑铭集》 ,新加坡亚洲研究学会,1997
陈荆和、陈育崧: 《新加坡华文碑铭集录》,香港中文大学, 1973
丁荷生、許源泰_《新加坡華文銘刻彙編:1819-1911》,新加坡国立大学, 2017
叻报       1893年 八月廿九号

延伸阅读 / Extended Reading:



This web article writes about the rise and falls of an old temple in Haicang, surviving from Ming dynasty until now.  In particular, oversea YEOs from Xiayang, Fujian were the heavy donors during the late Qing era.